Supporting the impact of scientific research
Design trainingEvent managementCreative facilitationDesign consultancy
Design training
infohackit is delivered by Peter and Lucy Moore Fuller with additional support from experienced trainers and designers
In 2004, we started our graphic design business with a commission from the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia. It was to be the beginning of a career-long relationship between us and people working in science.
Over the years the business grew and changed, delivering bigger and more complex projects. Working in branding and strategy Peter developed skills in creative facilitation, encouraging groups to generate ideas and solve problems. And we continued to work with UEA, along with other universities and research organisations, creating infographics, policy reports, microsites and much more.
Then in 2015 we collaborated on a project to enhance knowledge exchange in marine science by encouraging more researchers and designers to work together. Building from this, we began to develop training to provide researchers with the skills to improve their visual communication themselves.
Within a short time, it became apparent this was work we valued and enjoyed, and so we moved on from the design business we had built to expand infohackit and teach more researchers.
Keen to increase our skills to offer more routes to communication and collaboration, in 2017 Peter became a LEGO SERIOUS PLAY certified facilitator.
When the COVID-19 pandemic came to the UK in 2020, infohackit moved online and we created two complementary strands of training – the online programme for individuals and short courses for groups. The online programme was a highlight for us and for many of our students during a strange and challenging time.
Having rapidly developed experience in hosting our own online training, combined with extensive background in project management, we were soon in a position to support others in the delivery of online events.
In managing online events for researchers, we often get to read and hear exciting science, fascinating insights and inspiring speakers. At one event we had the privilege to hear Mike Berners-Lee, the sustainability expert, set out three values “we can no longer live without”: respect the environment, respect all people, respect truth.
Pretty straightforward. We can all do this.
With infohackit, we aim to play a small part toward a huge ambition, by helping you share the scientific truth, so that together we can secure a better future for our planet and for all people.

Design training
Engaging, accessible design training to equip scientists with the skills to communicate their own research.
Event management
Flexible support for events promoting networking, collaboration and skills development.
Creative facilitation
Helping groups work together, producing insights and building connections.
Design consultancy
For your high-impact communication projects, with expertise in infographics and typographic composition.